Week 3

Reindeer in Alaska – October 29 – Nov 4

Hauling reindeer meat from Cape Prince of Wales to market in Nome

Hauling reindeer meat from Cape Prince of Wales to market in Nome



This week you will begin your study of the history of reindeer in Alaska.


  1. Review the history of reindeer in Alaska
  2. Discuss historical figures and events related to Alaskan reindeer
  3. Synthesize information from lecture and readings.
  4. Formulate response to historical questions
  5. Discuss and evaluate the arguments of your peers


Instruction 3 hrs
Assignments 3 hrs
Collaboration 2 hrs

Week 3: History of Reindeer in Alaska





Reindeer team - Alaska 1922 Forms part of: Frank and Frances Carpenter collection (Library of Congress).

Reindeer team – Alaska 1922

Carpenter, Frank G. 1928.  Reindeer meat for American markets.  Alaska: our Northern Wonderland, Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc.

Lazell, J. Arthur.  Alaskan Apostle: The life story of Sheldon Jackson.  New York: Harper & Brothers, 1960. 83-108.

North, Dick.  Arctic Exodus: The last great trail drive.  pp 140-192. New York: Lyons Press, 2005.

Plattet, Patrich, and Amber Lincoln. “The Deer Study.”Documenting the ethnohistory and ethnoarchaeology of reindeer in the Alaska Peninsula. University of Alaska Fairbanks, 28 Dec 2012. Web. 10 Jan 2014. <https://www.uaf.edu/deer/>.

Stern, Richard, Edward Arobio, et al.  “Eskimos Reindeer and Land.”  School of Agriculture and Land Resource Management, University of Alaska Fairbanks, pp 11-50. 1 Dec 1980. Web. 21 Jan 2014.


"Laplanders milking reindeer at Port Clarence, Alaska, 1900." "Shows a man and a woman in traditional dress."Photographer Hegg, Eric A.

“Laplanders milking reindeer at Port Clarence, Alaska, 1900.” “Shows a man and a woman in traditional dress.”Photographer Hegg, Eric A.

Optional Readings:

Education, United States. Office Of. (2013).  Annual Report on Introduction of Domestic Reindeer Into Alaska, 1893.  Hong Kong: Forgotten Books. (Original work published 1893)

Education, United States. Office Of. (2013).  Annual Report on Introduction of Domestic Reindeer Into Alaska, 1905.  Hong Kong: Forgotten Books. (Original work published 1905)
Olson, Dean F. 1969.  Alaska Reindeer Herdsmen: A Study of Native Management in Transition.  Institute of Social, Economic and Government Research, University of Alaska, Fairbanks Alaska.
Peterson, Arthur S.  The Introduction of Domestic Reindeer into Alaska by Arthur S. Peterson  
United States. National Park Service.  Gates Of The Arctic National Park and Preserve: The Caribou Drive. 2014.  


By Midnight, Tuesday, write a brief (no more than 350 words) response to one of the following questions and post it to the forums:

1. A common explanation of Sheldon Jackson’s effort was to introduce reindeer to provide a food source for Native Alaskans. What other reasons might Sheldon Jackson have had to start a reindeer industry in Alaska?

2. During the 1920’s, the reindeer industry was a relative commercial success under ownership of the Lomen brothers. Why, after passage of the 1937 Reindeer Act, has the reindeer industry has not been viable commercially?

3. Many people believe that Alaska is one of the few pristine areas left in the world and its public lands must be protected from development. Grazing reindeer is a component of an animal production system, therefore “development.” In your opinion, should grazing of reindeer on public rangelands be restricted? Does ecological compatibility make a difference?

Use information from the readings and lecture to support your answers. Read and respond to at least two posts of your peers.